Sunday, April 22, 2012

Naughty Nappers

At 2:00 pm we laid them down to rest.

At 2:05 I heard a thud.  Chris went upstairs to take care of the crazy.

At 2:15 I heard another thud.  I opened the door of The Trifectas’ bedroom.  Chaos.  Insanity.  Pandemonium.  
“Rest your eyes.  Rest your mouths.  Rest your bodies.  If you don’t, you won’t get ice cream,” I whispered.

The pattern continued until 3:00.  Perhaps they fell asleep. 
At 3:30 the singing began.  “Work together, YES WE CAN!  Work together, YES WE CAN!” their voices chanted. Chris and I stood outside the door and giggled.  “Aren’t they sweet?” I asked.

We opened the door.  They each held a piece of chalk, the wall their canvas.  Hendley dropped the chalk.  Elizabeth froze. “Hey Mama, what are you doing here?” Mary Ellis questioned.
I had to leave the room.  Because at times like this I think parents are supposed to give the kids the smack down.  But I was laughing too hard. 

“Bring me your chalk and sit down,” Chris stated in his sternest voice.

Check out the masterpiece.

That's right.  Three artists.  Three pieces of chalk.  Three walls.

Clean up time. 

Did we handle this "the right way?"  Probably not.  We're open to criticism.


  1. I think you did just fine! Much better than I would have ('cept the laughing...I would have done that!)

  2. I think the funniest part of this to me was the "What are you doing here, Mama?" I laughed out loud when I read that. But seriously, you seemed very calm and composed. That's about all you could ask for in this circumstance. This reminds me of a time when we were young and my mom was reading my twin sister and I Charlotte's Web at night before bed. We got a chapter a night and it was a huge treat. My brother, who is nearly 4 years younger than us was also allowed to come in and listen, although one night he didn't do much of that. Instead, he crawled back between the wall and one of our beds and drew a web in black permanent marker. He was so proud. At least they were proud of their creativity, right?
