Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Trifecta Hunts For Eggs

Today we attended a delightful Easter egg hunt sponsored by our church.  The Trifecta still hasn't figured out that they are supposed to uncover as many eggs as possible.  I asked Elizabeth how many eggs she wanted to find and she replied, “Just one, please.”

We did the best we could do.  Hendley had a meltdown when her shoes got wet.  Mary Ellis opened an egg that contained a package of Skittles and called it a day.

I believe we collected about twelve eggs in all.  We divided them up among The Trifecta and I snapped photos while they opened their eggs, each one a gift containing a delicious candy treasure; Skittles, jelly beans, Hershey kisses, Starburst fruit chews. 

I should have been watching them more closely.  I should have monitored the candy consumption.  But, I didn’t. Three rounds of explosive diarrhea later and I decided the time had come to think of egg stuffing candy alternatives for Easter Sunday.  Explosions in their new, pink, smocked Easter dresses will not be tolerated.

I took a field trip to World Market, Barnes & Noble, Party City, and Target.  Here’s what I came up with:
1) Bandaids.  The Trifecta loves Bandaids.  There is an amazing assortment of decorated bandages to choose from.
2) Jelly bracelets - Party City sells them in packs of 20.  Silly Bandz too!
3) Bubbles - Both Party City and Target sell teeny tiny bubbles that fit inside most plastic eggs.
4) Temporary Tattoos and/or stickers
5) Pennies, nickles, dimes
6) Fuzzy Chicks - I found these at World Market.  Some people refer to these as, "Crap I will eventually find in my vacuum cleaner or under the couch."  I thought we could use them for counting, sorting, or a future art activity.

7) Rings - I found these at Party City.  If you step on one of the little pink bad boys you will, literally, puncture your foot.

8) Legos
9) Tiny stamps - I found these at Barnes and Noble.  Most teacher supply stores carry them too.

10) Magnets - I found these at Barnes and Noble.  So fancy!  That's 26 stuffed eggs!

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-candy.  But I do think it's nice to have alternatives.  That way, I can enjoy taking pictures of thirty tiny toes hunting for eggs on Easter Sunday...without fear of, well, you know.

1 comment:

  1. Love those ideas! Olivia was distracted by the candy last week too-our family actually dyes most of the eggs so instead of worrying about candy consumption I worry about cracked eggs :-) And love those dresses, Olivia has the same one!
