Friday, March 23, 2012

Tadpole Hunting

I did something heinous to my back.  “Stop picking up the girls.  Try to lie in bed with a pillow between your legs,” instructed Dr. Hopkins.  We smiled at eat other as he finished his directions.  It was a smile that said, “We both know that you are going to continue to pick them up and there is no chance you will get to rest in bed.”

So, when I woke up this morning I secretly hoped that the Tiny Toes Trifecta had forgotten about the tadpoles.  I held my breath as I opened the door to their room.  “Good morning, Mommy,” said Hendley, “Is it time to get our tadpoles today?”  I’m putty in her hands.  “ABSOLUTELY,” I reply, “After breakfast.  And we’ll have to go to Wal Mart to get a container to keep them in.”  “HOORAY!” they exclaimed in unison.
Tadpole hunting did not go as planned.  As soon as we arrived at the pond Hendley had a change of heart. “I don’t want to get the tadpoles anymore,” she stated forcefully.  I decided to set out our picnic and hoped she would warm-up to the idea.

Mary Ellis began hunting immediately.  According to her there were tadpoles the size of sharks in that pond and she was going to get them all.

Elizabeth followed.  “I got one Mommy!” she yelled.  The net was empty.  “Great,” I replied, “Now put it in the aquarium.”

Mary Ellis and Elizabeth fished for approximately 57 seconds. Hendley ate lunch. I caught the tadpoles.
I’m not going to lie to you.  I envisioned at least 30 minutes of tadpole hunting with The Trifecta. I imagined us sharing observations about the plants with one another, asking thoughtful questions, and exploring the tadpole habitat.  (There was also a point in my fantasy where one of them said, “Thank you for this enriched learning experience, Mommy.  Perhaps I should write about our adventure on my Vanderbilt application essay?”)
Scholar and academic Jennifer Aniston once said, “I always say don't make plans, make options.” Thank goodness I remembered to pack food.


  1. I am thrilled you started a blog. I would love for my Emma to play with your girls! Love ya!

  2. Now an official follower! I also follow you on my Google Reader :) Love your words! Love reading them in your voice! Love watching life unfold, such a blessing! Miss you friend! We raised leopard frogs from tadpoles. 2. Bob & Betty. Make sure while they are tadpoles you make a portion of their habitat land so they can climb out when they are ready. Also, here's the good part. Feeding tadpoles - so easy! Feeding frogs - not cool. Live crickets. Oh, and don't forget to feed the crickets. Our frogs lived a very long 2 years....
