Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Party Like a Princess

Oh yes.  The Trifecta has discovered Disney.  "Beauty & The Beast" recently played at our local theatre.  In my quest for awesomeness, I prepped the girls like we were getting ready for the LSAT.  We read several versions of the story (not all Disney).  We played with Belle and Beast puppets.  We danced to the music.  And, we watched the movie.  To my delight, they hated the movie because it wasn't like the stories. 

Because The Trifecta loves to party, we signed up for "Tea With Belle."  I thought they were going to hyperventilate while we waited in line to meet Belle. 

Here it is people, our first face to face with a Disney Princess. 

After we met Belle, we sat down for tea.  After immediately removing her bow from her hair, Mary Ellis began to display some of the "tea time party manners" we had been practicing all week.


 Libby and Mommy enjoyed decorating her designer cookie.  "Don't get icing on your Lilly dress.   Seriously, don't get icing on your Lilly dress," I chanted.

All princesses need crowns.  Daddy crowned his princess, Hendley Grace.  Then, he ate her sugar cookie.

Mrs. Potts and Chip!  YAHOO!

After the tea we saw the performance. When The Beast appeared on stage Mary Ellis turned to Chris (and the whole theater) and made the following statement/request, "Daddy, The Beast scares me.  Will you please punch him in the face?"

Hendley asks every day, "Mommy, can we invite Belle over to my house today?"  "Yes," I reply in an attempt to keep the magic alive, "We will invite her if we see her downtown.  She doesn't have a cell phone." 

Elizabeth thinks Belle should move out of The Beast's castle and into our house.  "The Beast got grouchy, Mommy.  I didn't like that Beast."

There's a shelf life on princess magic.  So, we're going to rock the mystery and wonder of the princess as long as we can. 

Don't worry, we'll teach them to fight and read too.

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