Monday, July 9, 2012

Ballet Time

I signed the girls up for a four week ballet class.  I must note that somehow, before the show even began, The Trifecta had removed the bows from their hair and the slippers from their feet.
Get ready for the big show.

Clearly, The Trifecta has a difficult time following directions.  A condition handed down from their mother.  They prefer to freestyle.

My favorite part of the "recital" was the end.  Each little girl had the opportunity to courtesy in front of the audience.  I'm the Mom cheering the crazy cheer.  Because when my girls are happy and proud, I'm crazy elated.

  So, we'll just keep working on the following directions part.  Or maybe not.  I think there's much to be said for my "free-stylin'" ballerinas. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love this! I giggle every week at Olivia's "Mother Goose Pre-Ballet class"-I have no idea how the teacher does it with all those girls going in different directions with a mind of their own!
